FIB 2016

FIB 2016


A novel type of discrete galvanic zinc anode is presented that is composed of a novel type of composite zinc mesh embedded into a proprietary matrix that solidifies into an electrolyte with ion exchange properties. The combination of the novel composite zinc anode and the solid matrix containing additives that prevent passivation of the zinc anode assures high and durable galvanic activity of the discrete galvanic zinc anode.

icon FIB 2016 SFG discrete galvanic anodes


A galvanic zinc anode system, composed of a zinc mesh embedded into a proprietary matrix that solidifies into an electrolyte embedded into a solid matrix with ion exchange properties, was developed by CAS. The solid matrix of the embedded zinc anode system (EZA) is based on a tecto-alumosilicate-binder containing additives that prevent passivation of the zinc anode, assure high and durable galvanic activity of the zinc anode and high and durable adhesion towards the concrete overlay. The efficiency of the galvanic corrosion protection (GCP) of the steel reinforcement with a novel embedded zinc anode (EZA) is evaluated on five types of civil structures – abutment of a road bridge in the Styrian Alps in Austria, concrete abutments of a steel bridge, support-beams for the bearings of four viaducts and balconies of apartment buildings in the Netherlands, and a parking deck in Saas Fee in Switzerland.

icon FIB 2016 SEZAC Embedded Galvanic Zinc Anode: Field Experiences