Ongoing R&D Projects:
Evaluation of the applicability of carbon based conductive coatings used as impressed current anodes for the cathodic protection of steel reinforced concrete members, funded by the AiF (Allianz Industrieforschung, IG 17076 N/1), executed by the IBAC (RWTH Aachen) and BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin).
In-Situ pH-measurement in pastes and mortars made with hydraulic binders (Roman Cements & Portland Cement) by imbedded pH-electrodes.
Study of the corrosion the steel reinforcement in concrete structures exposed to frequent wetting after turning off CP, commissioned by ASFINAG AUTOBAHNSERVICE GMBH OST, Vienna, A.
Evaluation of the galvanic extraction chlorides out of the concrete overlay and chemical immobization in the EZA binder.
Real time on-line monitoring of the efficiency of corrosion protection by embedded macrocell sensors.